Courage Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

This has been the story of my life, [Jason] thought bitterly. Everyone had always watched him, expecting him to lead the way. (3.18)

Just because someone is courageous doesn't mean they're necessarily happy about it. The problem with Jason is that, before he met all his current friends, he seems to have been surrounded by cowardly people who wanted him to do everything himself.

Quote #2

[Reyna] could only share the qualities she already possessed, and she couldn't help anyone who wasn't worthy of being a hero. (5.38)

Reyna has an interesting superpower: she can enhance someone else's strengths if she has the same ones. Reyna has courage in spades, so she can bring that out in any hero.

Quote #3

[Leo] loved being told that something was impossible. […] He just couldn't resist the challenge. (9.117)

Leo is always determined to succeed, and in this book, he ends up with the ultimate challenge: dying and coming back to life.