The Blood of Olympus Questions

  1. Why does Rick Riordan employ five different POV characters? Why did he choose the characters he chose? Do you wish he had included others?
  2. What are the two major storylines of the book, and how do they tie together in the end?
  3. This is the last book in the series. Are you satisfied with how everyone's storyline ends? What do you think will happen to these characters next?
  4. How does the end of this series compare with the end of other epic fantasy series, like Harry Potter or Riordan's own Percy Jackson and the Olympians series?
  5. Some characters end up paired off with another in the end—Jason and Piper or Percy and Annabeth for example—while others end up single. Are all the characters happy in the end, despite their relationship status?
  6. Being the child of a god is tough, and almost everyone has parental problems as a result. How do all the demigods' parental issues compare with one another?