The Blood of Olympus Resources


Shmoop's on It

We don't usually shout out to ourselves, but we just can't resist this time. We've got all the deets on all the mythological gods and figures right here.

Here Be Heroes

Rick Riordan kinda knows what he's talking about, seeing that he's the author of this series and about a zillion other books. His site has maps, videos, and more.

Articles and Interviews


The Percy Jackson series—the original and Heroes of Olympus—is massive. Here, Rick Riordan talks about what it feels like to wrap it all up.

Building a Mystery

This reviewer takes a look into Nico's mysterious past in The Blood of Olympus.


If You Were a Magical Tree, What Tree Would You Be?

Readers don't ask that ridiculous question…but they do ask others in this video.

Predicting the Future

Here's a fanmade trailer made before the book came out, but it has everything you expect: Blood and Olympus.


The Sounds of Olympus

Sample the Blood of Olympus audiobook. Does the narrator do five different voices for each POV character?

Heroic Origins

Rick Riordan talks about the origins of the series: writing a book for his dyslexic son.


Good Gaea

This sculpture of Gaea at the Atlantic botanical gardens inspired Gaea. She seems so tranquil and not murderous here…

Atop the Acropolis

Parthenon…not the one in Nashville. (Seriously, there's one in Nashville.)