Friendship Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Jason's] family included all the demigods who fought at his side, Roman and Greek, new friends and old. He wasn't going to let anyone break his family apart. (4.12)

Calling friends "family" is a common trope in young adult novels. Count up all the characters with parental issues in this book (i.e., all of them)—is it any wonder they consider their friends closer family than their parents?

Quote #2

I can't die, [Jason] told himself. My friends are depending on me. (4.64)

Notice how Jason puts his friends first…even above himself. We're guessing he thinks this way because of how he's been abandoned in the past. He doesn't want anyone else to feel the same way.

Quote #3

[Leo] loved his friends. He'd do anything for them. But as he looked at the six of them—three couples, all focused on each other—he thought about the warning from Nemesis, the revenge goddess: You will not find a place among your brethren. You will always be the seventh wheel. (9.60)

It's hard enough being the third wheel (unless you're on a tricycle)—imagine being a seventh wheel. So even though Leo is loyal and his friends care about him, and they're really not the type to put relationships over friendships…Leo will always feel left out.