Sex Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Bella:] I wanted the complete experience before I traded in my warm, breakable, pheromone-riddled body. (1.204)

Bella believes that, as a vampire, she won't feel the same physical attraction to Edward than she does in her human body.

Quote #2

[Bella:] "I never got over the shock of how perfect his body was – white, cool, and polished as marble." (2.16)

A big part of Bella's attraction for Edward is due to his looks.

Quote #3

[Edward to Bella:] "You should be angry at me" [Bella:] "Well, I am"… "That," I snapped. "That right there is why I'm angry. You are killing my buzz, Edward." (5.155-158)

Bella doesn't care that Edward bruised her during lovemaking; she wants him to let go and enjoy being with her without castigating himself over his lack of self-control.