Breath, Eyes, Memory Book 2, Chapter 12 Summary

  • It turns out that Martine continues to "test" Sophie every week. Sophie withdraws from Joseph, who doesn't understand what's going on. Finally, he gives her an ultimatum.
  • The "tests" drive a wedge between mother and daughter, leaving Sophie isolated. She decides to take action.
  • She recalls the story of a woman who is transformed from a helpless, bleeding woman into a butterfly by the goddess Erzulie.
  • Sophie takes the mortar and pestle to her bedroom and uses the pestle to break her hymen. This way, her mother will stop "testing" her.
  • It works, but her mother's so angry with her that she tells Sophie to leave. Sophie goes to Joseph—though she's badly injured by the pestle—and tells him she's ready to marry.
  • They marry immediately, before going away to Providence.