Briar Rose Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #1

"The castle is yours. It is all I have to leave to you. You must find it. The castle in the sleeping woods. Promise me." (2.77)

Tfw your grandma tells you you've inherited a castle and all you get is her bummer of a Holocaust story.

Quote #2

The fact that Gemma had them tucked away in a box all these years, carrying the box with her to the nursing home, had to mean something. Gemma. Genevieve. Dawna. Gitl. Briar Rose. Whoever. (6.7)

That is quite a list of names. It's sort of like if we said you can call us Shmoop. Shmope. The Shmooperinos. Harry. Alexander Hamilton. Whatever.

Quote #3

"It's all so long ago. And memory is such a strange and unwieldy device. We remember odd things. Like the old woman who kissed the ground when she arrived." (12.124)

A subtle theme in Briar Rose is about the imperfections of memory, even for characters who don't experience actual memory loss. Maybe Christopher Nolan should direct the film (but without the creepy tattoo thing, let's hope).