Briar Rose Resources


Jane Yolen's Official Site

On which she refers to herself as the Aesop of the 20th century, cause she's just humble like that.

She's A Poet and You Didn't Know It

Yolen's Poetry Foundation page has links to some of her poems.

Articles and Interviews

An Interview with the Author

Questions. Answers. You know the drill.

An Interview About Briar Rose

Some very interesting tidbits here, Shmoopers.


Jane Yolen, In the Flesh

Here's an interview with the author from 2014.

Jane Yolen, at an Incredibly Silly Conference

Jane Yolen went to an event called FaerieCon, and verily, it is incredible.


Hey, It's the Audiobook!

Or an excerpt of it, anyway. And, no, that's not Jane Yolen reading it.


Meet the Author

Jane Yolen's so thoughtful, she even brought you a bouquet.

Check Out the Cover

Giant red rose? Check. Barbed Wire? Check. Yep, this book cover has it all.