Brokeback Mountain Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Brokeback Mountain.

Quote #1

JACK: But beats workin' for my old man. Can't please my old man, no way.

Way before we meet Jack's dad, Jack tells us that he has a poor relationship with him.

Quote #2

ENNIS: My dad, he was a fine roper. Didn't rodeo much, though. He thought rodeo cowboys was all f***-ups.

Ennis's relationship with his dad seems similar to Jack's relationship with his. This gives the two men something in common to commiserate about.

Quote #3

ALMA: I know you'd like it too. Real home, other kids for the girls to play with. Not so lonely, like you were raised. You don't want it to be so lonely, do you?

Both Ennis and Jack want a family life different than the one they were raised.