Cat's Cradle Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Actually, I am a very lucky person and I know it. I am about to marry a wonderful little girl. There is love enough in this world for everybody, if people will just look. I am proof of that." (7.4)

Newt's head-over-heels for Zinka even though she doesn't seem to love him back. But, does that lessen the love he feels for her? Hmm, questions, questions….

Quote #2

"There was one where he bet I couldn't tell him anything that was absolutely true. So I said to him, 'God is love.'"

"And what did he say?"

"He said, 'What is God? What is love?'" (26.4-6)

Oh, Hoenikker, you poor man. With love being one of those non-knowledge based things, the good doctor is out of his depth here.

Quote #3

"And how can you say a man had a good mind when he couldn't even bother to do anything when the best-hearted, most beautiful woman in the world, his own wife, was dying for lack of love and understanding…" (33.8)

Hoenikker's inability to get love has consequences. Without love, your life is basically worthless.