Cat's Cradle Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My book is going to emphasize the human rather than the technical side of the bomb, so recollections of the day through the eyes of a 'baby,' if you'll pardon the expression, would fit in perfectly. (4.16)

Although John is talking about The Day the World Ended, he might as well be talking about Cat's Cradle, the book he's currently narrating. It's what those in the biz call self-referential.

Quote #2

[…] a scientist turned to Father and said, 'Science has now known sin.' And do you know what Father said? He said, 'What is sin?' (6.15)

Perhaps the best quote to signify Cat's Cradle's discussion of science. Sure, some people may consider science beyond sin or morality since it only seeks knowledge. But they're wrong: everything has consequences.

Quote #3

The stop-and-go signs, garish ghosts in the sleet, went through their irrelevant tomfoolery again and again, telling the glacier of automobiles what to do. Green meant go. Red meant stop. Orange meant change and caution. (14.4)

Sure, it's no Neuromancer, but Cat's Cradle still gives subtle suggestions as to how much of our willpower we're willing to relinquish to advanced technology. And this novel was written before the Internet.