The Chocolate War Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Even his thoughts became sharper, and things were simple and uncomplicated – he could solve math problems when he ran, or memorize football plays. (9.1)

Many of today's educators know that students have "multiple intelligences." The Goober is physically intelligent. Not only does he have physical prowess, but he learns better when he's performing physical activity. What are your multiple intelligences? Take this nifty quiz for some clues.

Quote #5

The Goober was depressed, thinking about school spirit. Ever since Room Nineteen had collapsed, he lived in a mild state of shock. (13.9)

School spirit at Trinity is a farce. For Goober, Room Nineteen is a huge symbol of this. Trinity itself is like Room Nineteen, a room where everything and everyone is on the verge of a catastrophic collapse.

Quote #6

Brother Leon – "[…] and let me point out that this sale is strictly voluntary, Trinity forces no one to participate against his wishes, this is the great glory of Trinity […]" (13.44)

The bitter irony here is obvious. At Trinity, everyone is constantly being forced to do things they don't want to do. All the kids know that Brother Leon means the exact opposite of what he says.