Chronicle of a Death Foretold Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There he obtained the bunch of figures that he needed to calculate what the party had cost. He recounted that they had sacrificed forty turkeys and eleven hogs for the guests, and four calves which the bridegroom had set up to be roasted for the people on the public square. He recounted that 205 cases of contraband alcohol had been consumed and almost two thousand bottles of cane liquor, which had been distributed among the crowd. There wasn't a single person, rich or poor, who hadn't participated in some way in the wildest party the town had ever seen. (1.28)

The wedding must have been the party to end all parties. But even so, the simple fact that everyone in town managed to live it up at this wedding is enough to tell you that this is a pretty small and close-knit community. The events in this novel probably wouldn't have happened if it weren't for its small size.

Quote #2

No one even wondered whether Santiago Nasar had been warned, because it seemed impossible to all that he hadn't. (1.36)

Yeah, there are a lot of moments like this in the book where you kind of want to strangle someone. How can the entire town know about this, yet no one thought to warn Santiago?

Quote #3

There weren't very many customers that early, but twenty-two people declared they had heard everything said, and they all coincided in the impression that the only reason the brothers had said it was so that someone would come over to hear them. (3.7)

Pablo and Pedro probably knew that many people in their town were nosey, and assumed that someone would try to stop them. They were right about the first part, at least.