Chronicle of a Death Foretold Resources


All about Gabo

This site has just about everything you need to know about Marquez and his literary works.

Medicine and Marquez?

It's not exactly what we would have expected, but this group of med students takes a slightly different slant on Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Movie or TV Productions

It's on Broadway, darling!

We kind of feel sorry for the actor who has to play Santiago. Getting killed on stage so many times must hurt.

Starring Rupert Everett

They pulled out all the stops for this 1987 big-screen production of Chronicle of a Death Foretold.

Historical Documents

We weren't fooled

People across the globe were tricked by this poem that someone attributed to Marquez. As if!

Not exactly love letters

If you wanted to see Gabo's personal correspondence, you're in luck. Warning: there's a bit more war than romance in these letters.


From the horse's mouth

What could be better than a documentary where you get to hear Marquez's words from his own mouth?

Meme-ifed Marquez

For those of you who have been on the Internet for too long. Learn Marquez's life story as told through the lens of Internet memes.


Tricky interviewee

For a journalist, you would sure expect Marquez to go easier on the people who were interviewing him.

Welcome back Marquez

This homecoming story almost makes you believe that Macondo is a real town.



Before he was Gabo, he was Gabito.

Family time

It's nice to see the Marquez family has a sense of humor.

Black eye?

He sure looks happy for a guy who was just in a fight.