What’s Up With the Title?

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

When you're dealing with a guy like Marquez, you have to be very careful about assuming certain things. You probably thought that this title was like an open book. Obviously it's talking about Santiago's death, and how everyone knew that it was going to happen. That's true, but there's also much more going on. Let's break the title down a bit and see what we can find.


What's a chronicle? It's a factual written account of events in the order of their occurrence. Notice something weird? This novel is basically the opposite of that. It's fiction, and even within this fictional world there is very little truth to be found. Not to mention, nothing happens in its order. Stuff is repeated, looped backwards, and told in whatever order the narrator wants to tell us. So even in the title, we are already starting out with things that should be basic truths not being all that they seem.

Of a Death

You think that this is Santiago's death, don't you? That's true, Santiago's death is a large part of the narrative, but he's not the only one who dies. There is a reason that it's not Chronicle of Santiago's Death Foretold. The widower dies, Pedro dies, and there is one more important death: The old Angela dies.

According to Angela, after she was returned home and her mother beat her up, she felt like she had already died. After all that, it seems like Angela is reborn as an entirely different person. So it's also a chronicle of the death of the passive, fragile, and scared Angela and the birth of the new mature and independent Angela.


Okay, you probably got this one. Santiago's death and many things in the novel were definitely foreshadowed. However, it's probably worthwhile to question even this seemingly simple word. Remember that the townspeople also thought that Santiago's death was foretold. But was it? No, it was totally avoidable. Even though it was assumed that Santiago would end up a dead man, that's not actually a course of events that was inevitable.