Truth Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Speech bubbles ballooned from Seed-Corp's logoman's juicy mouth, guaranteeing that his products were 100 percent genomically modified. (5.1.299)

Marketing is all about advertisers spinning their own versions of the truth to make you think they're products (or ideas, or whatever) are the best. In Sonmi's world, GMOs are good things.

Quote #8

Times are you say a person's b'liefs ain't true, they think you're sayin' their lifes ain't true an' their truth ain't true. (6.1.180)

This goes back to the first quote here, which suggested that people don't want to face the truth. If people believe something strongly, even if they believe something like 2 + 2 = 5, they do not want to be told what they believe in is wrong.

Quote #9

The true true is diff'rent to the seemin' true? said I. Yay, an' it usually is, I mem'ry Meronym sayin', an' that's why true true is presher'n'rarer'n diamonds. (6.1.187)

This quote reminds us of Sonmi's statement about truth and its "versions." In Zachry's language, the real truth is known as the true-true. Is it possible for even Meronym to know the true-true, though? Or is absolute truth beyond our capability?