Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Perhaps he attributed the credit of it to me, and supposed that I was less stupid than I looked. (6.2.21)

For such a whip-smart guy, Rousseau sure loves to put his own intelligence down.

Quote #5

Since my foolish and tiresome silence, which I could not overcome, arose from my fear of making social blunders I elected, in order to give myself courage, to trample all courtesies underfoot. (8.1.18)

That's Rousseau for you. His mantra: Being silent is always a mistake, while brashly rushing ahead gets something accomplished.

Quote #6

So I lost more than half the time I had left in rubbing or scratching out my mistakes, or beginning again on a fresh sheet. (8.1.26)

Making mistakes is tedious work, especially when you're a copyist.