Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] and when I heard he had been superseded I wrote to him, in my foolishness, the following letter that I will not attempt to justify. (10.1.55)

Rousseau's an impulsive fellow. Sometimes, that impulsiveness translates to him doing stupid things.

Quote #8

I was stupid enough to make this extract with much care and great labour. (10.1.144)

Rousseau knows that Mme Luxembourg has a hasty temper, but he just can't help himself from foolishly inscribing her book with an insulting epithet.

Quote #9

For my part, I tried to deceive myself about the effect of my stupidities by proving to myself that I had committed none of them. (10.2.2)

This sounds like this is a Homer Simpson moment for Rousseau: "D'oh!"