Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

No doubt they thought that my shirts too smelt of heresy. (5.1.53)

Even though Rousseau is secretly scared of being labeled a heretic, he's got enough of a sense of humor to make fun of himself.

Quote #5

Believers in general create God in their own image. (6.1.10)

Rousseau's observations often come across as scornful, but he's totally fascinated with how religion makes people act.

Quote #6

I have never liked to pray in a room; walls and all the little works of man come between myself and God. (6.1.23)

Whenever Rousseau's in church, he worries that he'll get called out as a hypocrite. In the great outdoors, no one's around to judge.