Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The fear of Hell, which had bothered me very little before, gradually disturbed my ease of mind. (6.1.31)

Rousseau often writes lightheartedly about confession. After learning a little about theology, though, the concept of Hell blows his mind.

Quote #8

I relied on my perspicuity to disentangle the prince's share from the priest's. (8.1.16)

Rousseau is going to land himself in the Bastille if he keeps undermining religious authorities. At least, that's what his friends think.

Quote #9

[…] since I wished to become a citizen I must become a Protestant and return to the established faith. (8.3.4)

Rousseau seems a little relieved to be converting back to his original religion. We wonder why.