Crash John "Crash" Coogan Quotes

"Don't take it so hard," I told him. "Nobody beats me."

"That's not it," he said. He had on the glum monkey face again.

"So what is it?" He sniffed.

"Now you're not coming." He headed off down the street. (4.35-4.38)

Crash is so competitive that he thinks Penn is upset about losing the race. Turns out, Penn is disappointed Crash won't be coming over for dinner. This is so pathetic that even Crash, 5-year-old brute that he is, feels bad.

"What were you doing in there?"

His tongue drilled into the doughnut and came out with a clump of jelly. He shrugged. "Lookin' around. Ain't that the old dude's room? Your grandfather?" (34.21-34.22)

Mike Deluca, Crash's best friend, isn't the most sensitive guy in the world. That's probably why Crash ditches him shortly after this incident, when Mike is disrespectful toward Scooter.