Fear Quotes in Divergent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You're afraid of heights," I say. "How do you survive in the Dauntless compound?" "I ignore my fear," he says. "When I make decisions, I pretend it doesn't exist." I stare at him for a second. I can't help it. To me there's a difference between not being afraid and acting in spite of fear, as he does. (12.122-4)

We've already seen one way to deal with fear, with Tori's explanation of her tattoo (spoiler alert: it's a symbol); and here's Four offering us another way to deal with a fear, which is to act like it doesn't bother you (and bring a change of pants). It's an important aspect of Four's character: he's not fearless, he's just fear-resistant.

Quote #5

I try to run, but my feet are firmly planted and refuse to move, like the crow on my shoulder. I scream as they surround me, feathers flapping in my ears, beaks pecking at my shoulders, talons clinging to my clothes. I scream until tears come from my eyes, my arms flailing. My hands hit solid bodies but do nothing; there are too many. I am alone. They nip at my fingertips and press against my body, wings sliding across the back of my neck, feet tearing at my hair. (18.49)

This is the first time we see Tris's fear landscape, with the bird attack, which is very nightmarish—it's got that typical "I can't run" nightmare feeling. Of course, this isn't an actual nightmare, it's something that the Dauntless training is doing to Tris. (Nice friends, eh?) But what is it that she's actually afraid of? It's not birds, is it? Is it being alone (which she mentions)? Or… what?

Quote #6

"Sometimes they do. And sometimes new fears replace them." His thumbs hook around his belt loops. "But becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it, that's the point."

I nod. I used to think the Dauntless were fearless. That is how they seemed, anyway. But maybe what I saw as fearless was actually fear under control. (18.94-5)

Here's Dr. Four (not really a doctor), laying out his theory about fear and acting brave, which is very much like what he said about his fear of heights: you act in spite of the fear. Tris notes that this "maybe" is what's going on with the Dauntless. Is it strange that Tris keeps thinking about fear as "maybe" this and "maybe" that? (Or is it weird that, in the middle of his speech about fear, Four puts his thumbs through his belt loops, like he's just hanging out? Apparently, he's not afraid of Tris.)