Fear Quotes in Dune

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Something fell soundlessly past their eyes into the mice. There came a thin screech, a flapping of wings, and a ghostly gray bird lifted away across the basin with a small, dark shadow in its talons. (29.143)

The Atreides House's crest is a hawk. Paul's Fremen name, Muad'Dib, means "mouse." Is there a bit of symbolism on the nature of fear going on here, or is it just us?

Quote #8

There was no past occupying the future in his mind… except… except… he could still sense the green and black Atreides banner waving… somewhere ahead… still see the jihad's bloody swords and fanatic legions.
It will not be, he told himself. I cannot let it be. (33.187-188)

Paul's ultimate fear is not himself or his enemy but the jihad that might start in his name. Know what the scariest part is? He can't do anything to stop it. It's like one of those snowballs in a cartoon. Not only will it grow bigger as it goes, but it'll consume him as well.

Quote #9

That which makes a man superhuman is terrifying. (35.223)

In Dune, characters fear what they don't understand. But sometimes, it's exactly what they understand that terrifies them more. They know what it means to be superhuman; it means that person could easily destroy them.