Fablehaven Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Seth jumped off the bed. Crouching, he scooped up two handfuls from the circle of salt and charged the wiry goblin. (10.146)

Once Seth lets the monsters into the house on Midsummer Eve, he realizes that Goldilocks, their pet chicken, is in danger. So what does he do? He mounts a rescue mission and faces down a freaky-looking goblin, with only salt to protect him. That's pretty brave if you ask us.

Quote #5

"Can he do this?" she whispered.

"He has a good chance. He's really brave, and pretty athletic. The height might not get to him. I would freak out." (14.98-99)

Here Kendra reassures Grandma that Seth actually has a decent chance of climbing Nero's logs and making it to the troll's lair so that bargaining can happen. Grandma is worried, but Kendra thinks Seth has it. After all, he's brave like that—and Kendra thinks that she, in comparison, is not. Interesting.

Quote #6

In her current situation, her family would die if she failed to act. She had to stand by her previous decision and carry out her plan, regardless of the consequences. (17.52)

Kendra is really freakin' scared to take the boat to the island with the shrine to the Fairy Queen—and with good reason: the last human who tried it was turned into dandelion puff. But here she realizes that she has to take action, even if she's scared, because at least now she has a shot at saving her family. In a weird, roundabout sort of way, that's pretty courageous.