Fablehaven Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There was definitely some mystery surrounding the milk. But all the talk about bacteria made her reluctant to try it. She needed a guinea pig. (5.67)

Kendra pulls a typical big-sister move here when she realizes that she needs a test subject for something potentially dangerous or icky… and thinks of her younger brother. Hey, that's what younger siblings are for, right?

Quote #8

"Unbeknownst to most of the family," Grandpa said, "a few of your cousins have visited me here. None of them came close to figuring out what is really going on." (7.145)

Ah-ha—so Kendra and Seth aren't the only relatives in living memory to be invited to Fablehaven; they're just the first ones to figure out what's actually happening there. Maybe curiosity isn't passed on genetically. Try telling that to cats.

Quote #9

"You should know," he went on, "I didn't let you come here merely as a favor to your parents. Your grandmother and I are getting on in years. The day will come when somebody else will need to care for this preserve. We need to find heirs." (10.30)

Turns out Grandpa is interested in Kendra and Seth as potential heirs to Fablehaven. It's not stated explicitly, but we're guessing that the caretakers prefer to keep it in the family if at all possible.