Fablehaven Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"They go the extra mile to discourage visitors," Dad said. "Me, Uncle Carl, Aunt Sophie—none of us have ever spent much time here. I don't get it. You kids are lucky." (1.65)

Yeah, this is definitely making our weird-family-issues sense tingle. Why would the grandparents not want their own kids visiting them? And then why would it be okay for the grandkids to come and stay? Something is afoot here for sure.

Quote #5

Unlike her little brother, Kendra was not a natural rule breaker. (4.55)

Clearly genes don't determine everything, since Kendra and Seth are pretty much opposites, at least when it comes to rules. Seth is adventurous to the point of being foolish, and he also doesn't tend to do well with orders and rules—while Kendra, on the other hand, gets good grades and always follows the rules. Both kids seem to be stubborn, though, so it's not like we're not saying one of them was secretly adopted.

Quote #6

"That is my right. I am your grandfather. And this is my property."

"I am your grandson. You should tell me the truth. You're not setting a very good example." (4.140-141)

Here Grandpa and Seth duke it out over whether Grandpa should punish the kids for breaking his rules about not going into the forest. Grandpa plays the whole I'm your elder relative, you should do what I say card, while Seth counters with a since you're older, you should be setting a good example by not lying or concealing the truth card. An interesting play on both parts.