Fablehaven Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I am told Seth even left a mirror with the fairy, so she could behold herself after she fell. The fairies considered that act particularly cruel." (8.100)

Grandpa relays what the fairies told him about the act of vengeance they wreaked on Seth. Apparently, from the fairies' perspective, Seth was incredibly cruel—perhaps even evil by their standards—in how he caused the captured fairy to fall, and then have to witness her own ugliness as an imp. This raises the question: can unintentional actions be cruel, or evil?

Quote #5

"On the festival nights, nightmares take shape and prowl the yard. Ancient entities of supreme evil patrol the darkness in search of prey." (9.45)

According to Grandpa, festival nights are not particularly fun because they're when evil creatures get to run loose and do whatever they want. Of course that doesn't stop Seth from being curious about what goes on though, which causes problems later in the book.

Quote #6

Gazing into those empty, searching eyes froze Kendra where she stood. Babbling whispers filled her mind. Her mouth felt dry. She could not swallow. (10.139)

Kendra's encounter with the scary, gauze-wrapped lady sure seems scary—and we might even go ahead and say this apparition seems pretty evil. Entrancing someone and then filling their head with whispers sure seems to fit the definition.