Fablehaven Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The Society of the Evening Star is an arcane organization that we all hoped had gone extinct decades ago," Maddox explained. "Over the centuries, their relevance has waxed and waned." (6.127)

Brief history lesson: There's this secret society; they're probably up to no good; they've been around for a while. Now we're one step closer to understanding the past, but how much good will it do us? Especially with the whole emphasis on it being a secret society?

Quote #5

"I should not speak of what used to be. With my fallen mind, I see the changes much more clearly than they do. I feel the loss more keenly." (7.119)

Here Lena's reminiscing about the past, when magic critters used to be kinda all over the place. With humans taking over the globe these days though, there isn't much space for magic creatures to thrive, so they're mostly hanging out in hidden corners of the world, or on preserves. Lena clearly feels sad about this, but she also thinks she's more aware of the contrast between the past and the present because she's more or less mortal right now.

Quote #6

"Beauty withers. Organs quit. You remember yourself in your prime, and wonder where that person went." (9.20)

Lena's thoughts here are maybe a tad morbid. She's saying that part of the problem with aging is not just your body getting old and starting to lose its functionality, but also that you remember how you used to be, and you can't be that awesome anymore. Maybe this is a caution against living in the past too much. Or maybe getting old just stinks no matter how you slice it.