Fablehaven Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Killing a mortal is not quite as grievous a crime as killing a mystical being, but it would still dissolve most of the protection afforded me by the treaty. I would probably have to banish myself from the preserve." (15.132)

Grandma is not keen to kill Muriel in order to protect the preserve from her, but she'll do it if she has to. Here she tells Kendra and Seth why killing someone is Serious Business—it's a violation of the rules, and it'd mean that Grandma would be vulnerable to attack from others unless she left.

Quote #8

"Stan has kept the rules pertaining to bloodshed, and so, even on their night of revelry, the dark creatures of the preserve would not be able to kill him […] Imprisoned, tortured, driven insane, turned to lead—maybe. But he has to be alive." (15.140)

Well isn't that cheery? Grandma knows that her husband has to still be alive, since he's kept all the rules governing Fablehaven. But what kind of condition he's in is another matter entirely—just because you can't be killed doesn't mean you can't be harmed. We're not sure if we'd like living under these rules.

Quote #9

"They can't touch you, Kendra," Grandpa called from where he hung shackled to the wall. "You have caused no mischief, worked no magic, inflicted no harm. Run, Kendra, they can't stop you!" (16.69)

Of all her family at Fablehaven, Kendra's the only one who's still kept all the rules, and as such can't be harmed by magic creatures. Grandpa is obviously hoping that she'll save herself, since it's not looking so good for the rest of them.