Fablehaven The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Powerful magic holds the knots in place. When released, Muriel can channel that magic into granting the favor." (8.197)

Muriel is bound by magic, which most humans view as a good thing because she's kinda evil. But when people need a favor that can only be accomplished by magic—such as transforming Seth back to human after the fairies take revenge on him—they need to go to Muriel. Sounds like a dangerous trade.

Quote #8

"Our presence is essential to the magic that protects these walls. If you are ever going to be involved with the work on this preserve, you will need to learn to cope with certain unpleasant realities." (10.31)

Grandpa again gives the kids an explanation of how magic works and why it matters to them. On Midsummer Eve, the humans who reside on Fablehaven stay in the house, in part because it's their job to, and in part because their presence is part of the magic that keeps the home's boundaries intact. If the kids can learn to deal with magic, the nasty side as well as the beautiful side, maybe they'll have a place at Fablehaven someday too.

Quote #9

"How did you become a chicken in the first place?" Seth asked.

"Pride made me careless," Grandma said. "A sobering reminder that none of us are immune to the dangers here, even when we imagine we have the upper hand." (14.9-10)

Seth is curious about the details of how Grandma was magically changed into a chicken, but she doesn't give 'em up here. We know that keeping Seth curious isn't necessarily a great idea, but maybe Grandma has her reasons—it's not like she's thrilled to admit that pride made her careless around dangerous magic.