Fever, 1793 Transformations Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"If I were you, I'd head down to the market," he continued. "That's where all the best gossips in town have gathered.

I glanced at Eliza. "May I go?"

"You don't need my permission," Eliza said.

She was right. I could choose for myself. (26.39-26.42)

Not only has she learned to take care of others, but Mattie has also taken full responsibility of herself. She's making her own decisions.

Quote #11

I looked past the apple seller to the haberdasher's window behind him. Mrs. Epler was right: I was thin. Yellow fever had certainly done away with vanity. I lifted my chin. The shape of my face looked for all the world like Mother's, her nose, her mouth. (26.58)

Mattie's physical form has changed because of the fever. But what other changes has she experienced? Does she only physically resemble her mother? How else might she act like her mother?

Quote #12

As we crossed the threshold, the company in the front room fell silent. They were all as shocked by Mother's appearance as I was. The doctor at the chessboard stood in respect. His companion did the same, then every man in the room rose to his feet to honor her. (29.12)

Mattie has changed and grown older, just as her mother has. What transformation has her mother experienced?