Flowers for Algernon Death and Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

Warren was the logical place—the deep freeze where I could be put away for the rest of my days. (15.220)

Anyone notice that Nemur really didn't answer Charlie's question? The guy wanted to know what would happen when he died, and Nemur tells him he'll be sent back to the Warren School. Then again, maybe death and Warren are in the same category for Charlie.

Quote #8

I put Algernon's body into a small metal container and took him home with me. I wasn't going to let them dump him in the incinerator. (16.258)

There's a lot at stake for Charlie in treating Algernon's body right. In a way, he's a member of Charlie's family.

Quote #9

I can't feel my body any more. I'm numb. I have the feeling that Charlie is close by. (17.281)

Hold onto your hats for an out-of-body experience, folks. Charlie describes this moment as mystical. Is he thinking about what's going to happen when he dies?