Flowers for Algernon Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

When you've got a child like him it's a cross, and you bear it, and love it. (13.143)

There we go with the religious imagery again. We don't know if Rose is religious, but she clearly sees raising Charlie as some sort of sacrifice.

Quote #8

And other times there would be tenderness and holding-close like a warm bath, and hands stroking my hair and brow, and the words carved above the cathedral of my childhood: He's like all the other children. He's a good boy. (14.168)

Does Charlie cherish his few good memories of childhood? Or does he try to get rid of them altogether?

Quote #9

He's got to be sent away. I don't want him in the house any more with her. (14.169)

Rose's picking Norma over Charlie isn't as simple as it sounds, and she's a complex woman with a whole lot of baggage. Does Charlie forgive her? Do you?