Flowers for Algernon Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

She shrugged. "Well, you were like a scared little kid." (14.196)

The prospect of having sex with Fay sends Charlie into a fear mode. Why do you think this is? It might be the alcohol talking, but we also can't help but wonder if he isn't also freaked out by being close a woman after growing up with such a meanie for a mom.

Quote #8

The nausea swept over me, the choking tension, the buzzing in my ears, my stomach knotting and stretching as if it wanted to tear itself out of my body. (16.275)

This is some heavy stuff, but it seems like something Charlie expected to happen when he returned home. Who or what is Charlie afraid of here?

Quote #9

It was old Charlie. She was afraid of what he might do to you. (16.276)

Old fears die hard, apparently. Rose can't seem to let go her biggest and most shameful fear, even though her long lost son is back.