Choice Quotes in Four

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Today you will find your own path, make your own rules." (1.155)

This line from the Choosing Ceremony is insanely misleading. No one is making their own rules; they're simply choosing which faction's rules they'll follow.

Quote #5

The truth is, I want my choice to drive a knife right through my father's heart, to pierce him with as much pain and embarrassment and disappointment as possible. There is only one choice that can do that. (1.181-1.182)

By this point, we know that Tobias wants to spite his father, but why is Dauntless this choice? Why not Erudite or Candor or any other faction?

Quote #6

I think I just don't like when I'm not given a choice. (3.23)

No one likes having their choices taken away, but why is it such a touchy subject for Four especially?