Freak the Mighty Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

That's when I got my first look at Freak […] Looking sort of fierce is how I remember him. (1.5)

If you remember, Max is nicknamed "kicker." So if he's calling Freak fierce, Freak must be one tough cookie. And guess what? He totally is.

Quote #2

It's more than just the way Maxwell resembles him, Grim says that night in the kitchen, the boy is like him, we'd better watch out, you never know what he might do while we're sleeping. (1.12)

Grim can't help it. The fact that Max looks like his dad makes him think that Max is like his dad. Does Grim seriously think Max could be a murderer? Or is he referring to something totally different?

Quote #3

Wearing these old jeans and a baggy T-shirt, and her long hair is tied back and she's probably sweating, but she still looks like a movie star. Like she has this glow, a secret spotlight that follows her around and makes her eyes light up. (2.7)

Ah, the Fair Gwen. She seems to be one of those characters whose appearance isn't deceiving. She's as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. Not too shabby.