Freak the Mighty Narrator:

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we trust her or him?

First Person (Central Narrator)

Boy do we get a VIP pass into the mind of Max in Freak the Mighty. And it's helpful, too, since he's kind of a tough nut to crack. We get some major insight into Max's insecurities and anxieties:

This time I don't say huh because then I might have to explain how I'm an L.D., and reading books is the last thing I want to do. (4.25)

But since we're focused on Max's thoughts, it's hard for us to know what other characters might be feeling or thinking. For example, would you like to know why Freak doesn't tell Max how sick he is? Is he doing it to protect Max? Or because he doesn't want to face the truth?

How might the story be different if it were told from Freak's perspective? Or a third-person narrator who couldn't really dig so deep into a character's psyche?