Freak the Mighty Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I invented games like kick-boxing and kick-knees and kick-faces and kick-teachers, and kick-the-other-little-day-care-critters, because I knew what a rotten lie that hug stuff was. (1.4)

Wow, Max is a seriously jaded kid if he thinks that people are lying to him about hugging being a good thing. Does Max just expect that everyone's lying to him all the time?

Quote #2

The poison never crossed his lips, he likes to say, even though I've seen a picture of him in the army and that sure looks like a bottle of beer in his hand. (6.3)

Hmmm, looks like Grim is letting a white lie loose here. Are there other moments in the book when Grim revises the past? Is it okay?

Quote #3

"Shhh! Speak of this to no one, but at some future time as yet undetermined, I will enter that lab and become the first bionically improved human." (9.37)

Why doesn't Max see through Freak's big lie? Does he respect and trust Max so much that he can't imagine he'd ever lie to him? Or does he know something's up and doesn't want to face the truth?