Freak the Mighty Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And for some reason little Kicker never got around to kicking little Freak. (1.6)

Imagine that. A kid who's known for kicking everyone around him, and Max manages to leave Freak alone. Are these two cosmically linked or something? What's the deal? Why doesn't Max give the kicking treatment to Freak when they're young?

Quote #2

What I do, I keep out of range of that crutch and just reach up and pick the paper thing right out of the tree […] I go, "You want this back or what?" (3.11-12)

This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship, wouldn't you say? If that's the case, can we say that Max actually befriended Freak instead of the other way around?

Quote #3

Making friends. What a wet idea that is, but Gram gets her feelings hurt pretty easily, so I don't actually say that. What I say is, "Yeah, I guess so." (5.11)

What do you think "wet idea" means? And why do you think Max feels this way about making friends? As far as we know, he's never had any bad friend experiences, right?