godless Appearance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Magda Price is what my grandmother would call "cute as a button," whatever that means. […] The only thing wrong with her is she's kind of small. Not Munchkin small, but close. Definitely too small to be interested in a hulking, neckless creature such as myself. (3.28)

So size is relative. Magda isn't too small objectively, but Jason thinks she's too small to like a "hulking, neckless creature" such as himself. We think he should let Magda make that decision for herself.

Quote #5

Even the way he looks is ordinary. One time for a computer project I scanned a whole bunch of student photos from the yearbook, then used a graphics program to morph them into a single face. What I got looked like a slightly fuzzy version of Dan Grant. (5.1-2)

This doesn't seem very flattering. But is there anything wrong with being ordinary? And is there even such thing?

Quote #6

[Magda] is wearing the official Wigglesworth Juiceteria uniform: a tight pink T-shirt with Juicy! printed across the front in lime-green script. On her it looks good. (7.5)

We're thinking that Jason would say a cardboard box would look good on Magda.