godless Appearance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Magda wrinkles her forehead. For some reason it makes her look extra sexy. Not that she needs it. (7.10)

Oh, right—that kind of extra-sexy wrinkle. You know someone really likes someone else when they think the way their forehead wrinkles is sexy.

Quote #8

[Shin] must be channeling a character from some video game. Probably seeing Magda Price as a collection of pixels. We all have our coping strategies. (7.41)

We think this begs the question: what is Jason's coping strategy for talking to girls?

Quote #9

[Shin] strips out of his pajamas. I can't believe how skinny the guy is. You can count his ribs. (13.70)

Would Shin seem as vulnerable, sad, and broken if he were 6'2" and 180lbs? Does he have to look like this for us to pity him as readers? You decide.