godless Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Naturally, the Reverend Grant expects his only son to follow in his hallowed footsteps. Dan would rather be a firefighter. (5.3)

What is it about parents wanting their kids to do the same things that they do?

Quote #5

[Shin] says that to really understand something, you have to become whatever it is you are studying. He says he knows exactly how it feels to be a snail.

"You have to get to the point where you really believe you're a snail," he once said to me. "If you don't believe in your own snailness, you'll never understand them." (4.57-58)

If this is the case, what happens to you? What becomes of your identity if you become a snail? We admire Shin's commitment, but wonder about how much his obsessive exploration is a way to lose himself a bit.

Quote #6

Being Catholic is hard. Being ex-Catholic is even harder. (6.115)

Identity labels can bring lots of baggage with them. They can also mean different things to different people.