godless Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mrs. Jack is fussing over a plate of hors d'oeuvres. (8.27)

This is the sum total information we have on Jack Bock's wife. We don't even get her name. Her identity is his wife, and her focus is on being hostess. Good grief…

Quote #8

I listen to [Henry] name his favorites […] and I am more amazed with each writer he names. Do I know this guy? What ever happened to Henry Stagg, the illiterate psychotic fiend? (9.50)

Is Jason guilty of pigeon-holing Henry—boiling him down to one or two characteristics—or has Henry been projecting one identity and hiding the other? What clues in the text support your assessment?

Quote #9

Milt nods, flicks his cigarette toward the pumps, and goes back to work on somebody's minivan. I go to the pumps, stepping on his smoldering butt on the way (11.44)

What we do when no one is looking can say a lot about who we are.