godless Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I could get killed. This is crazy!"

"Crazy? Man, you want to see crazy?" With a maniacal laugh, Henry drops over the edge of the catwalk and hangs by his hands. "This is crazy." (10.33-34)

What's up with this guy? Does he get a rush from the adrenaline? Does he have a death wish?

Quote #5

Chutengodianism is important to me. But that doesn't mean I think that a big steel tank propped up on a few I-beams is omnipotent. I might be a religious zealot, but I'm not crazy. (15.2)

When Jason makes this point, it foreshadows Shin's slip into fanaticism.

Quote #6

"He talks to me, you know. I hear what he says." [Shin] looks toward the tower.

"Shin, you're scaring me."

His face reddens. "You think I care if you're scared?" he shouts. "He doesn't want you, he wants me!" (24.36-38)

Shin's madness creates a sense of being special, set apart, called—which must feel kind of good for a kid who's generally a bit of an outcast.