godless Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Shin was happier when he was his own god—the Pod God. […]He's not a god anymore, he's just a cult of one, listening to voices in his head. (26.7)

Shin was better when he was in control of something else. Now something is controlling him.

Quote #8

Shin has spun off into some strange Shinnish reality. (27.29)

It's hard to put concerns about mental health into words. The way Jason phrases this makes it seem that, though things are strange with Shin, they are within Shin's typical bell-curve of strangeness. Perhaps Jason doesn't want to look at things full on, or call it like it is.

Quote #9

I hope Shin is okay. I should've known he'd take it too far. […] It's all my fault. Bringing Chutengodianism to Shin was like giving a can of gasoline to a pyromaniac. (27.45, 47)

Could Jason have foreseen how Chutengodianism would affect Shin? Should he have?