The Great Brain Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Great Brain? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who says, "Breathe on me and infect me with the mumps"?

The head of the CDC
Q. Who says, "Go put the money in your bank, J.D. […] before the Great Brain figures out a way to take it away from you"?

Calvin Whitlock
Abie Glassman
The Geico Gecko
Q. Fill in the blank: "I'll be Basil's friend," _______ promised. "I'll make a hundred per cent American kid out of him."

Captain America
Q. Who says, "I am here to educate you children, and I will not tolerate anything that interferes with your education"?

Mr. Standish
Dolores Umbridge
Miss Thatcher
Mr. Monaire
Q. Who laments, "Darn no good old peg leg. I wish I was dead"?

Captain Jack Sparrow
Sammy Leeds
Basil Kokovinis
Andy Anderson