The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Anne Frank Quotes

Anne Frank

Quote 16

ANNE'S VOICE: Is there anything lovelier than to sit under the skylight and feel the sun on your cheeks and have a darling boy in your arms? (2.2)

Aww… this simple scene of Anne and Peter has us just tickled pink for them. The precious moments they have together are so important because they never know how much time they have left together.

Anne Frank

Quote 17

ANNE: Oh Pim, I was horrible, wasn't I? And the worst of it is, I can stand off and look at myself doing it and know it's cruel and yet I can't stop doing it. (1.4)

Anne throws her mom out after her nightmare and then confesses to her dad that she feels bad. She knows the right thing to do, but heck… she's a teenager.

Anne Frank

Quote 18

ANNE: When I think of all that's out there… the trees and flowers and seagulls… when I think of the dearness of you Peter… and the goodness of the people we know… Mr. Kraler, Miep, Dirk, the vegetable man, all risking their lives for us every day… When I think of these things I'm not afraid any more. (2.4)

Anne's source of positive energy comes from thinking about just how much more good there is than bad. The helpers for the Annex residents triumph over the evils taking place in their world.