The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Faith Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

MR. FRANK: If we wait patiently, I believe that help will come. (2.4)

Mr. Frank, even when danger is staring him right in the face, continues to believe that things will turn out for the best. The Nazis may be knocking down his door, but he refuses to give up.

Quote #11

ANNE: I wish you had a religion Peter… Just to believe in something! (2.4)

Anne remarks to Peter that faith is a powerful weapon. He shouldn't ignore it because it has the potential to save him.

Quote #12

ANNE: I know it's terrible, trying to have any faith… when people are doing such horrible… (2.4)

You said it Anne. Having faith during the Holocaust is like asking a penguin to relocate to the Sonoran Desert. Still, it might be worth looking into—faith, that is… not Sonoran Desert real estate for chinstrap penguins.