The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Morality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

MR. VAN DAAN: The only thing I feel… there's so little food as it is… and to take in another person… (Peter turns away, moving upstage, ashamed of his father.) (1.3)

Mr. Van Daan just has to point out that there will be less food if Dussel moves in (face palm).

Quote #5

MR. VAN DAAN: Did Mr. Kraler warn you that you won't get much to eat here? You can imagine… three ration books among the seven of us… and now you make eight. (1.3)

Thanks Mr. Van Daan, that's super-helpful of you. Mr. Dussel will be treading on your game, but at least he'll be alive.

Quote #6

ANNE: Oh Pim, I was horrible, wasn't I? And the worst of it is, I can stand off and look at myself doing it and know it's cruel and yet I can't stop doing it. (1.4)

Anne throws her mom out after her nightmare and then confesses to her dad that she feels bad. She knows the right thing to do, but heck… she's a teenager.