Imperialism: Tone

    Imperialism: Tone

      Selfless, Cold, and Composed

      Bryan's tone can be described in these three words. It's also the name of a Ben Folds Five song from the '90s, but it applies to the speech nicely.

      Who's going to listen to you if you're screaming your head off about how the country needs to be peaceful? When arguing for non-military actions, should you be alluding to the violence you will most certainly commit upon those who disagree with you? How about making the case for brotherly love by name-calling and shaking your fists in the air?

      No way!!!!!!!! (See how annoying exclamatory overuse can be?)

      And William Jennings Bryan agreed.

      Bryan wanted to come across as being as cool as a cucumber, and he wants to make it seem like he's not freaking out over the whole imperialism debate. But that's really only because he's accusing the pro-imperialists of being the ones who were freaking out.